Before we talk the latest and best corporate gifts for the year that was, let’s give ourselves a little pat on the back for making it through another year.
You could be forgiven for saying it was a tough one, both personally and commercially. You could almost be forgiven for saying a happy sayonara to the year that was, with little more than a wave goodbye. We’d even let you off the hook for skipping out on the corporate gifts for Christmas 2021. But, before you do, it is important to remember that perhaps we ALL need a little pat on the back for getting through 2020 and that the ones that stuck by you this year are the best ones of all. These guys most likely deserve a little gesture of thanks and a small gift could be a great way to show your clients that you appreciate them. Let them know that you are still there for them, cheering them on, as they head into a well-earned Christmas break.
So, this year we want to help you get that corporate gift just right cause, let’s face it, it is more important than ever to say thanks. We want this year’s gift to symbolise appreciation, hope and positivity for the future.
We have curated a few of our favourite corporate gifts; ones that will provide a foundation for a stronger 2022, and a more positive and mutually beneficial relationship into the new year and beyond.
Firstly, lets discuss: First up, what makes a good corporate gift?
Well, in our opinion, we think a good gift should come straight from the heart. It should show your client, employee or advocate that you know and understand them and their interests. Getting it wrong can be worrying - it’s a waste of time and money. Getting it right can solidify your relationship for years to come. So, we say consider the employee or client’s values and interests, their social pursuits and generally, what floats their boat.
Wine, beer and spirits as a corporate gift.
We love a glass of the good stuff just as much as the next guy. Alcohol is one of those easy, go-to gifts, but it does pose a few issues. For example, preferences and tastes vary depending on the person – and there’s nothing worse than gifting someone a bottle of moscato when they’re very much a sav blanc kind of gal. So although it proves to be a common gift year in and out, we’re also fairly certain that most alcoholic gifts end up in the “re-gift” basket (come on, we know you have one too!) Ditch the alcohol this year, and opt for something a bit more personal.
Branded Corporate Gifts – Yes or No?
Surely we aren’t alone in saying that we have that one drawer at home, full of branded company pens. Hotels, real estate agencies and even schools are notorious for slapping their logo on anything that will take it: pens, coffee mugs, pads of paper. Although this is a good way to push your brand to the forefront of the receivers mind – it has been well overdone. Keeping on track with our theme of personal gift giving this year, we recommend choosing a gift that reflects the receiver’s best interest– rather than that of the business. We suppose you can pop in a sneaky pen or two...
What make the Best 2021 Corporate Gifts?
A great gift is always welcome, and is even better received if it is a little unexpected (who doesn’t enjoy a good surprise!?) This year, we’re challenging you to think outside of the average gift box and gift basket, to get your colleagues and clients something that will add value to their life. We’re talking gifts that are usable, functional and beautiful.
Something Special
There’s always something special about receiving a gift that you probably wouldn’t have thought to purchase for yourself. It makes you feel recognised, understood and valued. When choosing a gift for your clients or employees this year, ditch the basics. If they can duck down to the local shops and pick it up for themselves, it probably isn’t the ideal gift.
Stay Up to Date
Fashion and lifestyle trends are constantly changing – and keeping up to date can feel like a full-time job at times. But as the trends change, so do people’s gifting preferences. For example, the latest “plant parent” phase is anticipated to send nursery sales sky-rocketing this Christmas. We can hear Oprah saying it now: “You get a plant, and you get a plant, and you get a....” you get it.
Understand your audience
To make the most of your corporate gifts this year, we recommend researching all options within the marketplace. We know it may be tempting to purchase the first picnic hamper you find for ease and efficiency; but we encourage you to take the time to scope out everything on offer. Different companies will offer different product sets, and you want to ensure that what you land on is on target for your client/ employee’s age, interests and personality.
Decide on your budget just as you would for any other gifting initiative for your corporate gifts that is in line with their value to you. Consider creating a personalised card from the company that connects with the gift.
There’s no denying that the conversation around sustainability and eco-friendly practices is making it’s way around our corporate offices more than ever. With a huge emphasis being placed around the ecological impact that major corporations are having, we have reason to believe that many organisations will be paying more attention to the packaging that their gifts come in. In recent years, more and more companies and individuals have been moving toward earth-friendly choices. If you feel that sustainable packaging is of value to your clients, customers and employees, be sure to consider this in detail. You can do this by ensuring the gift is of high quality, and will last, is of value to the customer and won’t be disposed of in a couple of weeks time. Eco-conscious and minimal packaging options are becoming more readily available in today’s world, so be sure to enquire about this when placing your order.
Gift Giving etiquette
We believe it is the thought that counts but everyone is different, so we recommend that you keep gifts to your team around the same general monetary value, and follow any corporate guidelines in place. Be careful when gifting to government agencies, as it can be seen as unethical in some cases. Check both yours and their policies before going ahead with any final purchases.
Personalised corporate Gifts
We’ve said it before and we will say it again: personalisation is everything. This doesn’t mean embroidering their name on a gift, but it does mean recognising who they are and what they are into and reflecting this in the gift choice. This will make the gift feel like it was selected especially for the client or employee and will leave a lasting impression.
Corporate Gift Cards
If you have varied demographics and personalities in your company or client list, you could consider allowing your receivers to choose from a limited set of colours or styles of gifts, allowing them to choose the gift that most speaks to them. Should this option not work for you, there is always the good old gift card! Ensure that the gift card reflects the values of your client and/or employees; ideas include cinema vouchers, restaurants and outdoor activities.
The Top 10 Best Eco-friendly Corporate Gifts in 2020
Give the gift of a clean ocean.
What red-blooded Aussie doesn’t love the great outdoors? Unless your clients are allergic to sunlight (it happens), we’re fairly certain the vast majority will love our gift packs. As an added bonus, every single one of our gift packs contributes towards cleaning up a significant section of the ocean in their name.
Our gift packs can be delivered to you, or directly to your client or employee with greeting cards. Include your optional personalised message, and we’ll pop in a certificate of thanks for the section of ocean that their gift cleans up. There’s nothing like a feel-good corporate gift to send someone off into 2021!
Choose your Pelli Gift Pack Here
If our Pelli Gift Packs missed the mark this year, never fear! We’ve compiled a list of eco-friendly alternatives to keep your team smiling.
Small Plants and Succulents
As we mentioned earlier, we don’t think it is possible to go wrong with plants. Plants are always a nice touch for any office space or simply in the home. For an elegant touch that brightens up a space, this gardenia bonsai will be sure to delight your recipients and bring a touch of summer no matter the time of year.
Experience Gifts
From kitesurfing to hot air ballooning, if your team are the action-Jackson types send them off on an adventure with a gift voucher for a well-earned experience.
We love Red Balloon for every adventure under the sun.
Say it with sweets.
A sweet treat never goes astray, especially when they can be shared over a Christmas meal. Choose from fresh fruit, gourmet nuts and cheeses, cupcakes and cookies, or even heartier selections like smoked and fresh meat. Individually packaged charcuterie boards are the perfect snacky delight (not to mention, COVID-safe!)
Local Flavours
Support local this Christmas and choose something special from your own community. Choose an artisan product that is designed or handcrafted in your hometown, or take a tasting tour of your local restaurants, breweries and cafes to leave a re-ignite the power of supporting local businesses.
The perfect corporate gift.
So, let’s sum it up. A Chrissy gift for your fav clients, most important employees and your most influential advocates can bridge the gap on the 2020 unrest and make the forthcoming year easier and more positive. The prefect gift can often communicate much more than words and give that extra boost, but can also help to celebrate milestones like new hires, employee anniversaries, birthdays and promotions which can give every employee (not just the recipient) the feeling of working somewhere that values them. What business doesn’t want to be seen as a fun and rewarding place to work!?
Corporate Gifts can also be a great incentive for customers, sales and marketing teams to inspire that extra boost of productivity and job satisfaction. Over difficult periods like Covid, where job security and results may have been affected, this can ring to be particulary true.
Good corporate gifting engages clients and employees that can often show your true appreciation of their value and importance to your business.
Choosing the best corporate gift for your clients and team should be an easy process (especially with our tips above). But if you want to make a ‘splash’ with some gifts that show you know and understand them, a bit of planning and forethought doesn’t go astray. Most gifts will be accepted and appreciated by your valued clients, customers and employees with the intention with which they were meant. Don’t forget to enjoy the process and the experience of choosing the perfect corporate gifts for your clients, knowing that it is a reflection of you and your brand and a token of thanks for those that value you right back.